Butt Lift Non-Surgical

Butt Lift Non-Surgical

Enhance your shape, size and projection with a non surgical butt lift! Minimal down time and surgery free. This lift works by stimulating collagen production for natural looking results. Final results will be seen 3 months after injection and will last for approximately 2 years.


Book a free consultation to see if this treatment is right for you!


Dermal Fillers

Injectables like Teoxane®, Radiesse®, and Stylage® work by enhancing facial volume. Each of these products has a unique formulation designed to address various areas of the face. Thicker formulations are usually used in larger areas, while thinner formulations are best for fine lines around your lips or eyes. Hyaluronic Acid injections can be used to improve the skin’s contour and reduce depressions in the skin due to scars, injury or lines. During your one-on-one consultation, you’ll learn more about your treatment options and gather all the details needed to make an informed decision about your treatment approach.

Are Injectables Safe?

Injectable medical aesthetic treatments are backed by an extensive body of research, both in terms of safety and in the reliability of results. The providers at Beauty By Me are trained in administering these treatments using the highest standards of safety.

Vitamin B12 injections

Help boost your energy levels, metabolism, sleep quality, neurologic function, immune response and decrease overall lethargy with Vitamin B12 injections.